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Workplace conflict is nothing new. We spend a huge chunk of our lives at work, rubbing shoulders with managers and colleagues who have different personal values, beliefs and work ethics to our own. Throw into the mix a lack of communication, a healthy competition for promotions and a sprinkle of stress and pressure - and […]
What do you know about employer branding? Is it a cool logo and a punchy strapline, or a secret weapon that supercharges your business? Let’s dive into what employer branding REALLY is, why it matters so much and the benefits of developing a killer employer brand. What is your employer brand? It's the perception and […]
Do you employ someone that has ADHD? ADHD diagnoses are on the rise 📈 Because of this, it’s likely that you employ someone that has ADHD or is neurodivergent. But what does this mean for you and your business? People with ADHD think and behave in different ways to their neurotypical colleagues. There are some […]
What do you really know about Employer Branding? Employer branding isn’t just a slick logo or a clever marketing strategy; it's a powerful force, connecting your values, strategies and policies with your people. It’s what you stand for, how the world sees your business and the amazing experience you create for customers, clients and employees […]
How inclusive is your business? Inclusion isn't a trend; it's the catalyst for innovation, creativity and high engagement in your business, shaping a distinctive brand. But when inclusion becomes performative and your actions don’t match your words, your teams will definitely notice. That's why measuring inclusion is crucial—it holds business owners accountable and ensures we're […]
HR policies are as important to your business as laws of the land. 👩⚖️ They provide your organisation with written guidance on how employees should behave and your expectations. They’re there to protect you, your business and your employees. 👷 For that reason, it’s incredibly important for your policies to be really clear and understood […]
How to use HR Software to make managing your team easier, faster and cheaper Imagine a world where HR tasks are completed with lightning speed, and you have immediate access to insights that’ll help you make great business decisions… Well, there’s a solution. It’s HR software. And it might revolutionise the way you manage your […]
Follow this 5-point HR checklist to make sure you get the very best out of your team this year. 1. Make sure you’re legally compliant The quickest way to receive a costly employee claim is by not having the right paperwork in place. Luckily, it’s one of the easiest things to fix which is why […]
Taken from The Business Owner’s 2024 HR checklist January is a great time to reset, plan for the year ahead and take action. And in what is set to be another challenging year for business owners, it’s essential for you to get the very best out of your team. That’s why we’ve created a 5-point […]
East Midlands HR Limited is a company registered in England and Wales with company number 12030304. VAT registration number is: GB 337 82 52 82
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