August 31, 2024
East Midlands HR Monthly Newsletter - Sept 2024

How inclusive is your business? Inclusion isn't a trend; it's the catalyst for innovation, creativity and high engagement in your business, shaping a distinctive brand. But when inclusion becomes performative and your actions don’t match your words, your teams will definitely notice. That's why measuring inclusion is crucial—it holds business owners accountable and ensures we're […]

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April 1, 2024
Why HR Policies are SO Important

HR policies are as important to your business as laws of the land. 👩‍⚖️ They provide your organisation with written guidance on how employees should behave and your expectations. They’re there to protect you, your business and your employees. 👷 For that reason, it’s incredibly important for your policies to be really clear and understood […]

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January 17, 2024
The introductory guide to HR software

How to use HR Software to make managing your team easier, faster and cheaper Imagine a world where HR tasks are completed with lightning speed, and you have immediate access to insights that’ll help you make great business decisions… Well, there’s a solution. It’s HR software. And it might revolutionise the way you manage your […]

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January 7, 2024
The business owner’s 2024 HR checklist

Follow this 5-point HR checklist to make sure you get the very best out of your team this year. 1. Make sure you’re legally compliant The quickest way to receive a costly employee claim is by not having the right paperwork in place. Luckily, it’s one of the easiest things to fix which is why […]

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December 31, 2023
5 things an expert HR consultant would tell you to do this year

Taken from The Business Owner’s 2024 HR checklist January is a great time to reset, plan for the year ahead and take action. And in what is set to be another challenging year for business owners, it’s essential for you to get the very best out of your team. That’s why we’ve created a 5-point […]

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December 19, 2023
Your business’s plan to improve employees’ mental health

Taken from the Thriving at Work Mental Health Standards Mental health affects one in six British workers. It’s the leading cause of sickness absence. And it’s costing UK employers between £33 billion and £44 billion a year. Improving your employees’ mental health is no longer a warm sentiment, it’s business critical. The Government has recognised […]

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December 19, 2023
Have you created a plan to improve your employees’ mental health?

Now is the time and we’re here to help… Improving your employees’ mental health is no longer a warm sentiment, it’s business critical. And that’s because mental health affects one in six British workers. It’s the leading cause of sickness absence. And it’s costing UK employers between £33 billion and £44 billion a year. The […]

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November 14, 2023
10 Tips for Successful Recruitment Strategies

Recruitment is a crucial process in the hiring process for any organisation, as it directly impacts the quality and success of the workforce, and your time if you get it wrong. This guide aims to provide you with insights and professional advice on how to navigate the intricacies of recruitment, ensuring you attract and retain […]

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December 14, 2022
Can employees have 2 jobs at once?

Things to consider when your employees want a second job. There are a number of things you need to consider when your employees have a second job, as productivity levels, health and safety and legal obligations are all points that will affect your business. There has been an increase over the last 2 years of […]

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March 13, 2022
Let's be clear - you need job descriptions in place

More than ever your business should have job descriptions in place for the roles in your organisation. But they should not be pulled out of the 'filing' drawer just before yearly appraisal time. A well-written job description should bring clarity of responsibilities and outputs required of the role. It should be reviewed and agreed with […]

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