April 16, 2024
Raise awareness about mental health in the workplace

700 construction workers take their own lives every year in the UK That’s a minimum of two lives lost, every single day, which is a really scary and awful statistic. What a grim reality to remind us of the profound impact of mental health challenges within the construction industry. Some unique factors might be contributing […]

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December 19, 2023
Your business’s plan to improve employees’ mental health

Taken from the Thriving at Work Mental Health Standards Mental health affects one in six British workers. It’s the leading cause of sickness absence. And it’s costing UK employers between £33 billion and £44 billion a year. Improving your employees’ mental health is no longer a warm sentiment, it’s business critical. The Government has recognised […]

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December 19, 2023
Have you created a plan to improve your employees’ mental health?

Now is the time and we’re here to help… Improving your employees’ mental health is no longer a warm sentiment, it’s business critical. And that’s because mental health affects one in six British workers. It’s the leading cause of sickness absence. And it’s costing UK employers between £33 billion and £44 billion a year. The […]

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